Integrated Movement with Julie Martin

Integrated Movement Workshop with Julie Martin 

Julie is coming to Göteborg with offerings for Yoga lovers!

Through understanding the body and its need to move, research has shown that working muscles and body parts in isolation isn’t really a smart system for a structure that is based in tensegrity.  From the embryo we know that everything evolves as a whole unit and that once we begin to honour that in our movement we find a freedom and strength that utilises the whole.  Julie often refers to this as “universal core” as there is nothing in body that has grown in separation.   When we apply these principles to our asana practice the discovery unveils that “effortless effort” we are looking for. 

When we move as a whole we can feel and experience deeper layers within.  Movement and stillness go hand in hand and we become the practice.  We take it off the mat and into meaning in our daily lives, our moments guided by our breath and awareness.  

Using Julie’s unique form of asana and movement, somatic meditation, breath work and awareness exercises the process of “doing” the practice will transform to the state being, fully present with the sense of aliveness we are looking for.   These sessions will be full of curiosity and enquiry, pause and presence, stillness and movement.  All practitioners welcome.  

August 17 

16.30 -19.00

Masterklass  – Brahmani Style 

Through a mix of discussion and movement practice Julie will introduce you to an asana practice that encompasses range of motion, natural movement, finding stability from the inside and working with integration. All ideas we will explore in depth throughout the rest of the weekend. This class will give you a taste of what is to come and guide you let go of shapes and tune into feeling. We will close this class with a somatic meditation.

Price: 375 kr

Integrated Movement workshop

August 18-19

August 18

Foot, Pelvis & Spine in Relationship

Kl 09.30-12.30

This session will detail in lecture and movement how we can open that dialogue in the most efficient way and understand the power we all have in our feet.  We’ll not only “play” with our feet but also experiment with finding stability and balance by negotiating movement so that the conversation between foot, pelvis and spine comes alive.  

Integrated strenght – moving from the foot in a flow practice

Kl 14.00-16.30

Taking the information from the morning session and applying it to a full asana practice you’ll experience the power of the foot in propelling the body as well as stabilising the pelvis and spine. Using the asana practice to find connection with the present sensation we will play with pulses, spirals and waves and then find the ability to pause and remain curious in the stillness before we move on. 

August 19

Natural movement, animal locomotion and new ideas about strenght

Kl 09.30-12.30

We have inherent strength and stability within our structures as moving human beings. Our design is to move, travel on foot over long distances, climb trees, crawl on the ground and un-even surfaces. But we have lost that connection due to being in environments that are linear in structure for our safety. This morning is all about getting back to our natural movements so that we can apply that to our regular practice. In short, we’ll have loads of fun!

Using full integration in a flow practice

Kl 14.00-16.30

Using the whole body and finding the connection to the earth through the feet and also through the hands the natural intelligence of the body arises and creates a strong fluid practice. We take all the information gain throughout the weekend and put it into a final flow practice. Feel how momentum and awareness of earth connection can make you feel lighter in your movement, moving away from just making shapes and working with the body not against it. This is where we can find the effortless effort so that our practice finally unfolds as a moving meditation. We will finish with a somatic meditation.

Price workshop: 2 200 kr (including Master class August 17) 

Early Bird: Book before June 30, 1895 kr


Julie Martin

Julie Martin wants you to think outside the box, get off your mat, shake up the old dogmas and find the freedom to unfold into the beauty of a yoga practice that emerges from the inside. With over 25 years of experience and an international following of students and teachers alike, Julie’s greatest aim is to inspire. Her particular passion for human movement means continual investigation of new anatomical approaches, working with natural movement, range of motion, integrated stability and letting go of some of the old asana myths in order to move with the body and not against it. The practice is always an inquiry, a somatic exploration of sensation, movement, and stillness.

15 years ago Julie set up Brahmani Yoga in Goa, India after teaching in Brighton, UK for over 8 years. The largest motivation for the yoga centre was to create a community that could join together each winter season and practice without judgment, learn to let everything evolve and be totally inclusive to all yogis. What grew out of that is an international reputation especially in training teachers to challenge the “norms” of the yoga world when they no longer work for us. Julie’s work as a teacher trainer leaves students inspired and empowered.

She encourages people to find their own pace, fluidity, and strength in a structure that is only a “suggestion”. No longer asking people to get “into” a pose, but if stillness arises in a moment then space is given to pause, feel and sense.

“Coming from a dance background and starting an asana practice to save my knees (which it did) I was initially so thankful for the practice. But as I moved over into the deeper world of yoga and teaching it (25 years ago) I was soon riddled with injuries. I had to rethink how this method that had initially “saved” my body was now the source of pain and injury and why everyone in the midst of it was so intent on a “right way” to do the practice. So I stepped away from the strict methodology (which lost me students in some cases) and worked on combining information from modern anatomy and fascia research, including some of my dance knowledge, with natural movement and letting people find their own alignment instead of forcing ideas of what anything should look like. For me, it’s about allowing students to find a somatic practice that nurtures and heals the body and mind.”

Your yoga practice should invite you into a relationship with your self, your body, your mind, and emotions. This is not Instagram yoga or circus skills class. This is moving through layers, feeling, experiencing and observing the process, moving towards stillness, moving towards self.


  • August 18 , 2018 --August 19 , 2018


  • Workshop
    2200 kr (incl Master class Aug 17) Early Bird, register before June 30 1895 kr


Yogayama Göteborg

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Yogayama Yoga Kendra

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Yogayama Östermalm

Jungfrugatan 8
114 44 Stockholm

08-660 88 60



Det finns bara en yoga. I augusti lanserar vi våra egna Yogayama klasser, som är utvecklade och framtagna av Yogayamas internationella yogateam.

Vi har inte skapat en ny typ eller stil av yoga, utan en sekvenserad klass som är utformad för att eleverna ska få en djupare upplevelse av yogans helhet. Det ger eleverna möjlighet att växa inte bara i sin fysiska träning utan också att utvecklas mentalt genom pranayama och meditation.

Yogayama är Skandinaviens största yogaskola. Vår målsättning är att skapa en plats för individuell utveckling som inspirerar, stärker och berör. Här ger vi dig utrymme att växa och utvecklas. Vi har ett brett och noga utvalt utbud av klasser, yogalärarutbildningar, workshops, kurser och events. Vi ser fram emot att ta hand om dig på din yogaresa! Mer info kommer i augusti.

Yogaklasserna finns from augusti på Yogayama Östermalm. I våra studios i Norrköping, Göteborg och Sjöstaden kommer klasserna lanseras i början av 2019.

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