For as long as I can remember, I have always searched for the meaning of life. I have naturally been drawn towards Eastern philosophies and disciplines of the integration of body and mind. Yoga came to me at a point when when a healing was needed of the the body and mind.
1988 I started studying Hatha yoga and a few years later also sampled of the Iyengar tradition, while living in Washington D.C. During that time, I was dancing classical ballet and later competed in road bicycle racing on the East coast. Yoga became my quiet companion and help in the development of these disciplines. I relocated to Miami Beach in 1998 and I was introduced to Ashtanga yoga, which I found to be the perfect combination of movement and stillness. It was then, that I decided to devote myself completely to this path, received a teacher certificate and started teaching in South Beach.
At that time, a yearned for artistic expression became apparent and I started creating metal sculptures. But the yogic path was much stronger and for the next few years I travelled across the US to study with various talented teachers to learn more.
But not until the meeting with my Master (2001), on the first trip to India, that I understood the meaning of this practice, and from that moment on its integration began. Since then yearly trips to the Ashram and silents meditation retreats have been the essence of my Sadhana (spiritual practice).
This practice opened another dimension with the birth of my daughter’s (2005) allowed a healing to take place. I started teaching pre- and postnatal yoga and work with prenatal massage (2008). Assisting the woman during time of pregnancy has given me much joy and in 2017 a doula emerged from within me.
For me, this journey is a path of devotion to the creative Energy within. I am privileged to share this practice with others and wish to do it in most creative and enthusiastic way I know how.
Jag har nog yogat sedan barnsben, utan att jag själv satt epitetet yoga på det. När jag i vuxen ålder […]
Jag kom i kontakt med yoga för ett par år sedan och redan från start blev min yogaträning oerhört viktig […]
Efter avslutade gymnasiestudier präglades de följande 15 åren av att kringresandes mestadels på egen hand, nyfiket utforska världen och olika […]
Guy first encountered yoga in an academic setting, specialising in Indian religions and Buddhism, while studying for a theology degree. […]
In 2012 Ted stepped onto a yoga mat for the second time in his life and that was a defining […]
Våra apprentice lärare går Mysoreprogrammets Apprenticeprogram. De utbildar sig kontinuerligt under vår Ashtangalärare och Mysoreansvarig Laruga Glaser.
Sofie Ringsten är idag en av Sveriges ledande Yin Yoga lärare och utbildare. Hon har sedan flera år utbildat yogautövare […]
Sara began her professional journey as a classical musician, studying for 6 years at schools such as Malmö Music College […]
Ratheesh Mani har arbetat på Yogayama sedan 2005 och undervisar Yin yoga och Hatha yoga på Yogayama.