New education- Stockholm English

Welcome to Yogayama’s Yoga Teacher Training!

Yogayama offers a well-rounded yoga education program where students have the opportunity to pursue in-depth studies of yoga whether you wish to become teacher or take your personal practice to a deeper level. Upon graduation, those of you who continue to teach yoga also have the possibility to apply for international certification through the Yoga Alliance.

Yoga is growing rapidly in Sweden and our understanding of how yoga can help us feel healthier has also increased, whether it is on a soul level or in the physical body; whether it is recovering from burnout or healing sports injuries.

As a result of yoga’s current popularity, there is a strong need for well-educated yoga teachers. With a focus on Hatha Yoga, Yogayama aims to offer the best and most thorough yoga teacher education in Scandinavia through its unique training program taught by experienced teachers.

We look forward to meeting you!

Fall 2024 Stockholm

More dates and places

Do you have questions?

Contact us at or + 46 8 20 90 83

Price & Payment

The total price for Yogayama Teacher Training ® is SEK 49,000, including VAT.

Register by paying the course fee, email us at and you will receive an invoice from us which must be paid within 7 working days in order to guarantee you a place

Early Bird discount

If you pay for the entire course within 3 days, you will receive our Early Bird discount of SEK 3,500. With the Early Bird discount, the total price of the training is SEK 45,500 including VAT. This discount cannot be combined with other offers. Valid up to and including 31 July 2024.

Email and ask to receive the Early Bird discount.

Discount on membership

As a student at Yogayama teacher training, you have the opportunity to sign up for a TT student membership by direct debit for SEK 500 per month. With this membership, you get full access to and unlimited use of all Yogayama’s classes at Yogayama.

You can start your TT membership as soon as you have paid the course fee and it is valid until the last day of the training at the latest and for a maximum of 12 months. To start your TT membership, send bank details to at least one week before the day you want to start using your membership.

Partial payment

Yogayama collaborates with Human Finance, which offers interest-free financing for this training, with installments of up to 12 months. You can also pay for longer periods of interest. Mandatory credit check. Contact them through this link: Human Finans


To be certified with the Yogayama Teachertraining Certification and meet the requirements for the Yoga Alliance, you must have:

  • 90% attendance
  • Submitted all home details
  • Passed the theoretical, practical, and oral exam.
  • For Yogayama Teacher Training® 200 hr, the student is allowed to complete the course over 2 years.

If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact us via email at

Yogayama collaborates with a hotel in the Stockholm area that offers discounted prices for you who are students at Yogayama.

For workshops, courses, and training at studio Yogayama:

Address: Nybrogatan 53, 114 40 Stockholm

Telephone: +46 8 507 330 00

Mornington offers a 15% discount for all our students. Contact to get a discount code.

Contact Us

Yogayama Varberg

Contact Us

Yogayama Yoga Kendra

Contact Us

Yogayama Östermalm

Jungfrugatan 8
114 44 Stockholm

08-660 88 60



Det finns bara en yoga. I augusti lanserar vi våra egna Yogayama klasser, som är utvecklade och framtagna av Yogayamas internationella yogateam.

Vi har inte skapat en ny typ eller stil av yoga, utan en sekvenserad klass som är utformad för att eleverna ska få en djupare upplevelse av yogans helhet. Det ger eleverna möjlighet att växa inte bara i sin fysiska träning utan också att utvecklas mentalt genom pranayama och meditation.

Yogayama är Skandinaviens största yogaskola. Vår målsättning är att skapa en plats för individuell utveckling som inspirerar, stärker och berör. Här ger vi dig utrymme att växa och utvecklas. Vi har ett brett och noga utvalt utbud av klasser, yogalärarutbildningar, workshops, kurser och events. Vi ser fram emot att ta hand om dig på din yogaresa! Mer info kommer i augusti.

Yogaklasserna finns from augusti på Yogayama Östermalm. I våra studios i Norrköping, Göteborg och Sjöstaden kommer klasserna lanseras i början av 2019.

Stäng fönster

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