Yin yoga is a powerful practice that targets tendons, ligaments and fascia within the body. Yin Yoga involves a relaxed, therapeutic practice of floor postures that are held from three to five minutes at a time. There are far fewer postures (asanas) in Yin Yoga than are found in more active styles. The yin classes at Yogayama are divided into two different levels – Foundation and Explore.
Jag har nog yogat sedan barnsben, utan att jag själv satt epitetet yoga på det. När jag i vuxen ålder […]
Jag kom i kontakt med yoga för ett par år sedan och redan från start blev min yogaträning oerhört viktig […]
Sofie Ringsten är idag en av Sveriges ledande Yin Yoga lärare och utbildare. Hon har sedan flera år utbildat yogautövare […]
Special classesYin YogaHatha YogaVinyasa Yoga
Jonas Rådahl is a senior teacher who has been practicing and studying yoga for nearly 20 years. As a teacher […]
Caroline har haft ett djupt filosofiskt intresse under större delen av sitt liv. Redan som tonåring blev hon inspirerad av […]
Creating a structure over your day is more then making a routine. Routines can become boring but to tune into […]
read moreIn the Indian and yogic tradition you are suppose to rest when you have your menstruation. Why? Because a woman’s […]
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