Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic, physical, and powerful form of yoga founded by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method involves the synchronization of the breath with the body’s movement and uses a number of progressive series of postures (asanas). The practice generates heat and circulation that strengthens, purifies and revitalizes the body’s muscles and inner organs.
The Ashtanga Yoga method is a living tradition with the relationship between teacher and student at the epicenter of its transmission going back for over 5,000 years. At the root it is a spiritual practice that purifies the heart, body and mind, illuminating ones own divine nature. In modern times Ashtanga Yoga is linked to the late yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, otherwise known as Guruji (1915 – 2009), who passionately spread the beauty of the practice to countless people all over the world with a tireless sense of devotion. Now his teachings are reverently carried forward by his grandson R. Sharath Jois, the director of KPJAYI in Mysore, India; his daughter, Sarawati Jois, his son, Manju Jois in California USA, and granddaughter, Sharmila Mahesh in Bangalore, India.
In turn, the teachers at Yogayama transmit the Ashtanga Yoga practice in the lineage of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois with sincere focus and dedication as they too are students and practitioners of this timeless tradition.
The Ashtanga Yoga system is centered on the breath. As Guruji is noted saying: “Ashtanga practice is a breathing practice … the rest is just bending.” The breath unites our inner experience with our outer reality and is the key to developing deeper states of peace, balance and awareness. With three segments of breath-movement based sequences: The Primary series, Yoga Chikitsa, cleanses, purifies and strengths the physical body and mind. The Intermediate Series, Nadi Shodahana, tunes and refines the nervous system. The Advanced Series A, B, C, D, Sthira Bhaga, translated as strength and grace, requires greater focus and stamina, cultivating higher levels of awareness humility and devotion. Each posture (asana) is introduced one at a time to the student in a sequential order built upon the foundation of the proceeding postures developed within each individual. In this way, students feel supported in the practice and are guided conducive to their level of experience. This transformative process allows students to attain greater health, strength, flexibility and stamina where the body attunes, becoming both strong and light. On an internal level mental clarity awakens opening to a peaceful sense of well-being. On a subtle level practitioners begin to come in contact with their innermost self which shines a light deep within, offering an experience of lasting fulfillment and connection
Ashtanga Yoga Mysore:
At Yogayama we have Mysore practice 6 days a week. Mysore is not a led class, instead every practitioner is doing their own practice individually. The teacher is available in the room assisting. Please observe that during the full moon and new moon there is no Mysore practice (for more information about these dates see the moon calendar).
The reception is open from 8.00 in the morning. If you arrive before this time the front door will be locked, but you can come in together with someone else who has an access card and then pay in the reception after the class.
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ÖstermalmThis class is not available at Yogayama , Please check our other studios:
ÖstermalmThis class is not available at Yogayama , Please check our other studios:
Våra apprentice lärare går Mysoreprogrammets Apprenticeprogram. De utbildar sig kontinuerligt under vår Ashtangalärare och Mysoreansvarig Laruga Glaser.
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