Ashtanga Yoga Mysore

Mysore class is for students of ALL levels of experience no matter what age, background or physical ability. All are welcome. The only requirement is a willingness to learn. Here is where you will LEARN the practice, so no previous knowledge is required.

At Yogayama we have Mysore practice 6 days a week. Mysore is not a led class, instead every practitioner is doing their own practice individually. The teacher is available in the room assisting. Please observe that during the full moon and new moon there is no Mysore practice (for more information about these dates see the moon calendar).

The reception is open from 8.00 in the morning. If you arrive before this time the front door will be locked, but you can come in together with someone else who has an access card and then pay in the reception after the class.

Ashtanga Yoga Mysore

Ashtanga Yoga is traditionally taught in the “Mysore” style and is the most impactful approach in learning and understanding the practice. The name Mysore is derived from the actual city located in Southern India where Sri K. Pattabhi Jois lived, studied, taught and raised his family for most of his life.

Mysore is also deemed as supervised self practice where the āsanas (postures) are introduced and taught, one at a time, so the student can easily memorize the sequence with both confidence and comfort, ultimately building the skills to move through the practice in a way that instills a sense of empowerment, steadiness and calm. In class the student will advance at their own rate with the guidance of an experienced teacher. In turn, the Ashtanga yoga practice is offered to each individual student fully dependent on where they are the day they walk into class. Rest assure, there will always be guidance and support when needed and it is consistently our goal to meet the needs of each student the very best we can. It is our recommendation when first starting out that students commit to at least one month at a minimum of 3 times a week to accelerate and deepen the learning process.

All students are welcome in Mysore class. At the heart of this method all levels of experience can impart the teachings of the practice no matter the limitation. In fact, in Mysore we can better suit the needs of those who need special attention or guidance in learning.

Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Schedule

Select studio from top to see classes.

Ashtanga Yoga Mysore teachers

Apprentice Teacher

Våra apprentice lärare går Mysoreprogrammets Apprenticeprogram. De utbildar sig kontinuerligt under vår Ashtangalärare och Mysoreansvarig Laruga Glaser.

David Fredriksson

David is one the most experienced Ashtanga teachers in Sweden. He’s first contact with yoga was back in 1993 while […]

Laruga Glaser

Since a young age Laruga has been fascinated with mind/body connections, as well as, spiritual philosophy that later attracted her […]

Contact Us

Yogayama Varberg

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Yogayama Yoga Kendra

Contact Us

Yogayama Östermalm

Jungfrugatan 8
114 44 Stockholm

08-660 88 60



Det finns bara en yoga. I augusti lanserar vi våra egna Yogayama klasser, som är utvecklade och framtagna av Yogayamas internationella yogateam.

Vi har inte skapat en ny typ eller stil av yoga, utan en sekvenserad klass som är utformad för att eleverna ska få en djupare upplevelse av yogans helhet. Det ger eleverna möjlighet att växa inte bara i sin fysiska träning utan också att utvecklas mentalt genom pranayama och meditation.

Yogayama är Skandinaviens största yogaskola. Vår målsättning är att skapa en plats för individuell utveckling som inspirerar, stärker och berör. Här ger vi dig utrymme att växa och utvecklas. Vi har ett brett och noga utvalt utbud av klasser, yogalärarutbildningar, workshops, kurser och events. Vi ser fram emot att ta hand om dig på din yogaresa! Mer info kommer i augusti.

Yogaklasserna finns from augusti på Yogayama Östermalm. I våra studios i Norrköping, Göteborg och Sjöstaden kommer klasserna lanseras i början av 2019.

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