Masterclass with Julie Martin

Masterclass & Integrated Movement Workshop 


Julie Martin is coming to Göteborg with offerings for Yoga lovers! 

Through understanding the body and its need to move, research has shown that working muscles and body parts in isolation isn’t really a smart system for a structure that is based in tensegrity.  From the embryo we know that everything evolves as a whole unit and that once we begin to honour that in our movement we find a freedom and strength that utilises the whole.  Julie often refers to this as “universal core” as there is nothing in body that has grown in separation.   When we apply these principles to our asana practice the discovery unveils that “effortless effort” we are looking for. 

When we move as a whole we can feel and experience deeper layers within.  Movement and stillness go hand in hand and we become the practice.  We take it off the mat and into meaning in our daily lives, our moments guided by our breath and awareness.  

Using Julie’s unique form of asana and movement, somatic meditation, breath work and awareness exercises the process of “doing” the practice will transform to the state being, fully present with the sense of aliveness we are looking for.   These sessions will be full of curiosity and enquiry, pause and presence, stillness and movement.  All practitioners welcome.  

August 17, kl 16.30 -19.00

Masterklass  – Brahmani Style 

Through a mix of discussion and movement practice Julie will introduce you to an asana practice that encompasses range of motion, natural movement, finding stability from the inside and working with integration. All ideas we will explore in depth throughout the rest of the weekend. This class will give you a taste of what is to come and guide you let go of shapes and tune into feeling. We will close this class with a somatic meditation.

Price: 375 kr



  • August 17 , 2018 --August 17 , 2018


  • Event
    375 kr
  • Number of hours
    2,5 hrs hrs


Yogayama Göteborg

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Yogayama Varberg

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Yogayama Yoga Kendra

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Yogayama Östermalm

Jungfrugatan 8
114 44 Stockholm

08-660 88 60



Det finns bara en yoga. I augusti lanserar vi våra egna Yogayama klasser, som är utvecklade och framtagna av Yogayamas internationella yogateam.

Vi har inte skapat en ny typ eller stil av yoga, utan en sekvenserad klass som är utformad för att eleverna ska få en djupare upplevelse av yogans helhet. Det ger eleverna möjlighet att växa inte bara i sin fysiska träning utan också att utvecklas mentalt genom pranayama och meditation.

Yogayama är Skandinaviens största yogaskola. Vår målsättning är att skapa en plats för individuell utveckling som inspirerar, stärker och berör. Här ger vi dig utrymme att växa och utvecklas. Vi har ett brett och noga utvalt utbud av klasser, yogalärarutbildningar, workshops, kurser och events. Vi ser fram emot att ta hand om dig på din yogaresa! Mer info kommer i augusti.

Yogaklasserna finns from augusti på Yogayama Östermalm. I våra studios i Norrköping, Göteborg och Sjöstaden kommer klasserna lanseras i början av 2019.

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