Stability and Balance. The tempo of class as well as the transitions are slow with attention to basic alignment and postures. Emphasis will be on movement and breath where precision and safety is priority. The class introduces basic technique with emphasis on breath.
In 2012 Ted stepped onto a yoga mat for the second time in his life and that was a defining […]
Special classesYin YogaHatha YogaVinyasa Yoga
Jonas Rådahl is a senior teacher who has been practicing and studying yoga for nearly 20 years. As a teacher […]
Special classesRestorativeGravidyoga/Prenatal Yoga and Mamma-baby YogaHatha YogaVinyasa Yoga
Carina har en bakgrund bestående av akademiska studier inom beteendevetenskap. Med över 20 års professionell samlad erfarenhet av träning och […]
RestorativePranayamaHatha YogaVinyasa Yoga
Annika är yogalärare, ayurvedisk terapeut, idrotts och hälsopedagog. Idag arbetar hon främst med personliga yogamöten, att coacha människor på deras […]
Gravidyoga/Prenatal Yoga and Mamma-baby YogaVinyasa Yoga
For as long as I can remember, I have always searched for the meaning of life. I have naturally been […]
Creating a structure over your day is more then making a routine. Routines can become boring but to tune into […]
read moreIn the Indian and yogic tradition you are suppose to rest when you have your menstruation. Why? Because a woman’s […]
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