We also strongly believe in providing practice environments that are as approachable as possible.
From the interior environment of our studios, to the way we run our classes, to the ingredients we use in our Ayurveda treatments and products, we ensure that we present the essence of these ancient traditions so that you have room to incorporate them in your life and bring your unique expressions to the practices.
Values represented:
Approachable l Unpretentious l Ascetic l Raw
Our mat is our universe and our supportive energy. Our practice on it reflects how we act…
Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully better understand your body, yourself and others.…
In the Indian and yogic tradition you are suppose to rest when you have your menstruation. Why?…
Ät och och drick varmt. Naturligt söta, sura och salta smaker är bra. Undvik råa grönsaker, knäckebröd…
Raw cheesecake med hallon och granatäpple Botten: 1 dl valnötter, blötlagda 5 dadlar, urkärnade och blötlagda 1…
En stor limpa: 3 dl grovt ekologiskt och biodynamiskt dinkelmjöl 1 dl havregryn, ekologiska 1 dl russin,…
Carina har en bakgrund bestående av akademiska studier inom beteendevetenskap. Sedan hennes första möte med yoga ägde…
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